September 30, 2024
Power cycling issues in SONY TV

How To Fix Sony TV Power Cycling Issues: Ultimate Guide

Is your Sony TV trapped in an endless loop of turning on and off? Don’t despair! This comprehensive guide will walk you through the steps to resolve power cycling issues and get your TV back to its prime.

Table of Contents

Understanding Power Cycling

Power cycling in Sony TVs can be a frustrating experience, leaving you feeling helpless as your entertainment center refuses to

cooperate. This issue occurs when your TV repeatedly turns on and off without any apparent reason, disrupting your viewing experience and potentially indicating underlying problems. To effectively address power cycling, it’s crucial to understand its potential causes and systematically work through various solutions.

Common Causes of Power Cycling

  • Power supply issues: Inconsistent or inadequate power delivery can trigger the TV’s safety mechanisms, causing it to shut down and restart repeatedly.
  • Faulty components: Malfunctioning internal parts, such as capacitors or power boards, may lead to erratic power behavior in your Sony TV.
  • Software glitches: Outdated firmware or corrupted system files can sometimes cause the TV to enter a power cycling loop as it struggles to initialize properly.
  • Overheating problems: Poor ventilation or dust accumulation can cause the TV to overheat, prompting it to shut down and restart as a protective measure.
  • External device conflicts: In some cases, connected devices or HDMI-CEC issues can interfere with the TV’s power management, resulting in unexpected power cycling behavior.
  • Environmental factors: Excessive humidity, temperature fluctuations, or power surges can sometimes contribute to power cycling issues in Sony TVs.

Checking Power Supply

One of the first steps in troubleshooting power cycling issues is to examine your TV’s power supply. A stable and adequate power source is crucial for the proper functioning of your Sony TV. Fluctuations or inadequacies in power delivery can trigger protective mechanisms, leading to the frustrating cycle of your TV turning on and off repeatedly.

Inspect the Outlet

  • Test the wall outlet: Plug another device into the same outlet to ensure it’s functioning correctly and delivering consistent power.
  • Check for loose connections: Ensure the TV’s power plug is securely inserted into the outlet, as loose connections can cause intermittent power issues.

Use a Different Outlet

  • Try an alternative power source: Move your TV to a different outlet in your home to rule out any location-specific electrical problems.
  • Avoid overloaded circuits: Ensure the outlet you’re using isn’t part of an overloaded circuit that may be causing power fluctuations.

Consider a Voltage Regulator

  • Invest in a voltage stabilizer: If you suspect power fluctuations in your area, consider using a voltage regulator to maintain consistent power delivery to your TV.
  • Monitor power quality: Use a power quality meter to check for any irregularities in your home’s electrical supply that might be affecting your TV’s performance.

Check for Power-Saving Features

  • Review TV settings: Examine your Sony TV’s power-saving options to ensure they’re not interfering with normal operation or causing unexpected shutdowns.
  • Disable eco modes temporarily: Try turning off any power-saving or eco modes to see if they’re contributing to the power cycling issue.

Inspecting Power Cord

The power cord is a critical component in delivering electricity to your Sony TV. A damaged or faulty power cord can lead to inconsistent power supply, potentially causing power cycling issues. Carefully examining and addressing any problems with the power cord can often resolve these frustrating situations and restore your TV’s normal functioning.

Visual Inspection

  • Check for physical damage: Carefully examine the entire length of the power cord for any signs of fraying, cuts, or exposed wires that could compromise its performance.
  • Look for kinks or bends: Ensure the power cord isn’t tightly bent or kinked, as this can damage the internal wiring and lead to power delivery problems.

Connection Points

  • Inspect the TV connection: Examine where the power cord connects to your Sony TV, ensuring it’s securely plugged in and free from any visible damage or corrosion.
  • Check the wall plug: Look at the plug that goes into the wall outlet, making sure it’s not loose, damaged, or showing signs of overheating or discoloration.

Flexibility and Tension

  • Test cord flexibility: Gently bend the power cord in different sections to check for any unusual stiffness or crackling sounds that might indicate internal damage.
  • Assess cord tension: Ensure the power cord isn’t under excessive tension when connected, as this can strain the internal wires and lead to intermittent power issues.

Replacement Considerations

  • Use genuine Sony parts: If you need to replace the power cord, always opt for an authentic Sony replacement to ensure compatibility and safety.
  • Consider professional installation: For complex TV models or if you’re unsure, consider having a professional replace the power cord to avoid potential damage or safety risks.

Examining Surge Protector

Surge protectors play a crucial role in safeguarding your Sony TV from power spikes and fluctuations. However, a faulty or inadequate surge protector can sometimes contribute to power cycling issues. Thoroughly examining your surge protector can help identify potential problems and ensure your TV receives stable, clean power for optimal performance.

Age and Condition

  • Check the age: Surge protectors have a limited lifespan, typically around 3-5 years. If yours is older, it may no longer provide adequate protection.
  • Look for physical damage: Inspect the surge protector for any signs of burns, melting, or other physical damage that could indicate it has absorbed a significant surge.

Indicator Lights

  • Verify protection status: Most surge protectors have indicator lights showing whether they’re still providing protection. Check if these lights are functioning as expected.
  • Look for grounding indicators: Ensure any grounding indicator lights are on, as proper grounding is essential for surge protection and overall electrical safety.

Capacity and Ratings

  • Review joule rating: Check the surge protector’s joule rating to ensure it’s sufficient for your TV and other connected devices. Higher ratings offer better protection.
  • Assess amperage capacity: Make sure the surge protector’s amperage rating can handle the total power draw of all connected devices without being overloaded.

Direct Connection Test

  • Bypass the surge protector: Try plugging your Sony TV directly into the wall outlet, bypassing the surge protector, to see if the power cycling issue persists.
  • Observe any changes: If the TV functions normally without the surge protector, consider replacing it with a new, high-quality model to ensure proper protection.

Resetting TV

Performing a reset on your Sony TV can often resolve power cycling issues by clearing temporary glitches and restoring default settings. This process can help eliminate software-related problems that might be causing your TV to repeatedly turn on and off. Understanding the different reset options and their implications is crucial for effectively troubleshooting power cycling without losing important personal settings.

Soft Reset

  • Unplug the TV: Disconnect your Sony TV from the power outlet and leave it unplugged for at least 60 seconds to allow internal capacitors to discharge fully.
  • Press power button: While the TV is unplugged, press and hold the power button on the TV itself (not the remote) for about 30 seconds to drain any residual power.

Factory Reset

  • Access settings menu: If possible, navigate to your TV’s settings menu and look for the option to perform a factory reset or restore default settings.
  • Backup important data: Before proceeding with a factory reset, make note of any crucial settings or preferences you’ll need to reconfigure afterward.

Reset via Remote

  • Use button combination: On some Sony TV models, you can initiate a reset by pressing a specific combination of buttons on the remote control.
  • Follow on-screen prompts: If a reset option appears on the screen, carefully follow the instructions to complete the process without interruption.

Power Cycle Reset

  • Disconnect all devices: Unplug all external devices connected to your TV, including cable boxes, gaming consoles, and streaming devices.
  • Perform power cycle: Turn off the TV, unplug it for a few minutes, then plug it back in and power it on to see if the issue persists without connected devices.

Updating Firmware

Keeping your Sony TV’s firmware up to date is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and resolving various issues, including power cycling problems. Outdated firmware can sometimes lead to conflicts or glitches that cause your TV to repeatedly turn on and off. By ensuring your TV has the latest software version, you can often address these issues and enjoy improved stability and functionality.

Check Current Version

  • Access system information: Navigate to your TV’s settings menu and look for the “About” or “System Information” section to find your current firmware version.
  • Compare with latest version: Visit Sony’s official support website to check if a newer firmware version is available for your specific TV model.

Automatic Updates

  • Enable auto-updates: If your TV supports it, turn on automatic updates in the settings menu to ensure you always have the latest firmware version.
  • Check network connection: Ensure your TV is connected to the internet for automatic updates to function properly and download new firmware when available.

Manual Update Process

  • Download firmware file: If automatic updates aren’t available, manually download the latest firmware file from Sony’s official website to a USB drive.
  • Follow update instructions: Carefully follow Sony’s step-by-step instructions for installing the firmware update via USB, ensuring not to interrupt the process.

Post-Update Actions

  • Verify update success: After the update process completes, check the system information again to confirm the new firmware version is installed correctly.
  • Test TV functionality: Observe your TV’s behavior after the update to see if the power cycling issue has been resolved or if any new features have been added.

Cleaning Vents

Proper ventilation is essential for your Sony TV’s optimal performance and longevity. Dust and debris accumulation in the TV’s vents can lead to overheating, which may trigger protective mechanisms causing power cycling. Regular cleaning of these vents can help prevent such issues and ensure your TV operates smoothly without unexpected shutdowns or restarts.


  • Unplug the TV: Always disconnect your Sony TV from the power source before attempting any cleaning to ensure safety and prevent potential damage.
  • Gather cleaning supplies: Prepare a soft, lint-free cloth, compressed air canister, and a gentle brush specifically designed for electronics cleaning.

Exterior Vent Cleaning

  • Use compressed air: Gently spray compressed air into the TV’s vents from a distance of about 6 inches to dislodge loose dust and debris.
  • Wipe with cloth: Use a soft, dry cloth to carefully wipe around the vent areas, removing any remaining dust or particles without applying excessive pressure.

Interior Cleaning (If Accessible)

  • Check user manual: Consult your TV’s user manual to see if it’s safe to open the back panel for interior cleaning. Some models may void warranty if opened.
  • Use gentle brush: If permitted, use a soft brush designed for electronics to carefully remove dust from internal components, being cautious not to disturb connections.

Regular Maintenance

  • Establish cleaning schedule: Set a reminder to clean your TV’s vents every 3-6 months, depending on your environment’s dust levels, to prevent buildup.
  • Monitor performance: Pay attention to any changes in your TV’s performance or noise levels after cleaning, as these could indicate other underlying issues.

Checking Internal Components

When power cycling persists despite external troubleshooting, the issue may lie with internal components of your Sony TV. While it’s generally not recommended for users to open and inspect TV internals due to safety risks and potential warranty violations, understanding these components can help in communicating with professionals or making informed decisions about repairs.

Power Board Inspection

  • Look for visible damage: If you can safely access the power board, check for any signs of burnt components, bulging capacitors, or other visible damage.
  • Listen for unusual sounds: When powering on the TV, listen carefully for any clicking or buzzing sounds that might indicate issues with the power board.

Main Board Assessment

  • Check for error codes: Some Sony TVs display error codes or blinking light patterns that can indicate specific issues with the main board.
  • Observe startup behavior: Pay attention to how far the TV gets in the startup process before cycling off, as this can provide clues about which component might be failing.

Capacitor Evaluation

  • Visual inspection: Look for any capacitors that appear swollen, leaking, or have a dome-shaped top, as these are signs of failure.
  • Age consideration: Keep in mind that capacitors have a limited lifespan and may need replacement in older TVs, even if they don’t show visible signs of damage.

Connection Check

  • Examine cable connections: If you can safely do so, check that all internal cable connections are secure and free from corrosion or damage.
  • Look for loose components: Gently inspect for any components that may have come loose due to heat expansion and contraction over time.

Addressing Overheating

Overheating is a common culprit behind power cycling issues in Sony TVs. When internal components get too hot, the TV may shut down as a protective measure and attempt to restart once cooled, leading to the frustrating cycle of turning on and off. Addressing overheating can significantly improve your TV’s stability and prevent potential long-term damage to sensitive electronics.

Improve Ventilation

  • Ensure proper spacing: Keep at least 4 inches of clear space around all sides of your TV to allow for adequate airflow and heat dissipation.
  • Avoid enclosed spaces: If possible, don’t place your TV in enclosed entertainment centers or cabinets that can trap heat and restrict air circulation.

Check Ambient Temperature

  • Monitor room temperature: Ensure the room where your TV is located maintains a moderate temperature, ideally between 60-80°F (15-27°C), to prevent excessive heat buildup.
  • Avoid direct sunlight: Position your TV away from windows or direct sunlight, which can significantly increase its operating temperature and strain components.

Clean Cooling System

  • Inspect fan operation: If your TV model has built-in cooling fans, listen for any unusual noises or reduced airflow that might indicate fan failure.
  • Remove dust buildup: Regularly clean any visible cooling vents or fans using compressed air or a soft brush to maintain optimal cooling efficiency.

Consider External Cooling

  • Use a TV cooling fan: For persistent overheating issues, consider adding an external USB-powered cooling fan designed specifically for TVs to enhance air circulation.
  • Implement a smart thermostat: In rooms prone to high temperatures, use a smart thermostat to maintain a consistent, cool environment suitable for electronics.

Dealing with Backlight Issues

Backlight problems can sometimes manifest as power cycling in Sony TVs. When the backlight system malfunctions, it may cause the TV to shut off and attempt to restart repeatedly. Addressing these issues can not only resolve power cycling but also improve overall picture quality and extend the life of your TV.

Identify Backlight Failure

  • Check for dim display: If your TV’s screen appears unusually dim or you can only see images when shining a flashlight on the screen, it may indicate backlight failure.
  • Listen for power-on sound: Pay attention to whether you can hear the TV powering on even when the screen remains dark, which could point to backlight issues.

Inspect LED Strips

  • Look for partial lighting: If only portions of the screen light up or you notice uneven brightness, it could indicate problems with specific LED backlight strips.
  • Check for flickering: Observe if the screen flickers or exhibits strobing effects, which may suggest failing or loose connections in the backlight system.

Test in Safe Mode

  • Enter safe mode: If your Sony TV model supports it, try booting in safe mode to bypass some software settings that might be affecting the backlight.
  • Observe behavior: While in safe mode, see if the backlight functions normally, which could help isolate whether the issue is hardware or software-related.

Consider Professional Repair

  • Evaluate repair costs: Backlight replacement can be complex and may require professional service. Compare repair costs with the price of a new TV to make an informed decision.
  • Check warranty coverage: If your TV is still under warranty, contact Sony support to inquire about coverage for backlight-related issues and potential repair or replacement options.

Handling Software Glitches

Software glitches can often be the root cause of power cycling issues in Sony TVs. These glitches may occur due to corrupted system files, incompatible settings, or conflicts between different software components. Addressing these software-related problems can frequently resolve power cycling without the need for hardware interventions.

Perform System Refresh

  • Access system menu: Navigate to your TV’s system settings and look for options like “Refresh” or “Rebuild Database” that can help reorganize system files.
  • Follow on-screen prompts: Carefully follow any instructions provided during the refresh process, ensuring not to interrupt it once started.

Clear Cache Memory

  • Find cache options: Look for settings related to clearing cache or temporary files in your TV’s system menu.
  • Remove unnecessary data: Clear any app caches or temporary files that might be causing conflicts or taking up excessive memory.

Disable Problematic Apps

  • Identify suspicious apps: If power cycling began after installing new apps, try disabling or uninstalling them to see if the issue resolves.
  • Update or reinstall apps: For essential apps, check for updates or try uninstalling and reinstalling them to eliminate any potential conflicts.

Restore to Earlier State

  • Use system restore: If your Sony TV model supports it, try restoring the system to an earlier state when it was functioning correctly.
  • Back up important data: Before performing a system restore, ensure you’ve backed up any critical settings or data to avoid losing important information.

Addressing HDMI-CEC Problems

HDMI-CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) is a feature that allows connected devices to control each other through HDMI connections. While convenient, it can sometimes cause power cycling issues if there are conflicts or malfunctions in the communication between devices. Addressing HDMI-CEC problems can often resolve unexpected power behaviors in your Sony TV.

Disable HDMI-CEC Temporarily

  • Locate CEC settings: Find the HDMI-CEC settings in your TV’s menu, often labeled as “Bravia Sync” on Sony TVs.
  • Turn off the feature: Disable HDMI-CEC and observe if the power cycling issue persists to determine if it’s related to this feature.

Check Connected Devices

  • Unplug HDMI devices: Disconnect all HDMI devices from your TV and see if the power cycling stops, which can help isolate the problem.
  • Reconnect one by one: If the issue resolves, reconnect HDMI devices one at a time to identify which device might be causing the conflict.

Update Device Firmware

  • Check connected devices: Ensure all HDMI-connected devices have the latest firmware updates to resolve any known compatibility issues.
  • Update TV firmware: Make sure your Sony TV’s firmware is also up to date to ensure optimal HDMI-CEC functionality.

Adjust CEC Settings

  • Fine-tune CEC options: If available, adjust individual CEC settings for each connected device to minimize potential conflicts while retaining necessary functionality.
  • Consider alternative control: If HDMI-CEC continues to cause issues, consider using device-specific remotes or a universal remote as an alternative control method.

Resolving Capacitor Issues

Faulty capacitors are a common cause of power cycling in older Sony TVs. Capacitors are responsible for storing and releasing electrical charge, and when they fail, it can lead to inconsistent power delivery and unexpected shutdowns. While capacitor replacement often requires professional service, understanding the signs can help you make informed decisions about repairs.

Identify Capacitor Problems

  • Look for physical signs: If you can safely access the TV’s internal components, look for capacitors that appear swollen, leaking, or have a domed top.
  • Listen for unusual sounds: Pay attention to any buzzing or high-pitched noises coming from the TV, which can indicate failing capacitors.

Consider TV Age

  • Assess lifespan: Keep in mind that capacitors have a limited lifespan, typically around 10-15 years, depending on usage and environmental factors.
  • Weigh repair costs: For older TVs, compare the cost of capacitor replacement with the price of a new TV to determine the most cost-effective solution.

Professional Assessment

  • Seek expert opinion: If you suspect capacitor issues, consult a professional TV repair service for a thorough diagnosis and repair estimate.
  • Ask about warranties: When opting for capacitor replacement, inquire about any warranties on the repair work to protect your investment.

DIY Considerations

  • Evaluate risks: While some tech-savvy individuals might consider replacing capacitors themselves, be aware of the safety risks and potential for further damage.
  • Research thoroughly: If considering DIY repair, extensively research the process, required tools, and safety precautions before attempting any internal work on your TV.

Seeking Professional Help

When all DIY troubleshooting steps fail to resolve power cycling issues in your Sony TV, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Professional technicians have the expertise, tools, and access to specialized parts needed to diagnose and fix complex problems that may be beyond the scope of typical user interventions.

Choose Authorized Service

  • Locate Sony service centers: Visit Sony’s official website to find authorized service centers in your area that specialize in TV repairs.
  • Check for certifications: Ensure the service center or technician is certified to work on Sony products to maintain warranty coverage and ensure quality repairs.

Prepare for Service

  • Document the issue: Clearly describe the power cycling problem, including when it started and any troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.
  • Gather information: Have your TV’s model number, serial number, and purchase date ready to provide to the technician.

Understand Repair Options

  • Request detailed diagnosis: Ask the technician for a thorough explanation of the problem and the proposed solution before authorizing any repairs.
  • Compare repair vs. replacement: Based on the diagnosis, consider whether repairing the TV is more cost-effective than purchasing a new one, especially for older models.

Follow-up Care

  • Ask about warranties: Inquire about any warranties on the repair work and what they cover to protect your investment.
  • Seek preventive advice: Ask the technician for tips on preventing future issues and maintaining your TV’s performance after the repair.


Dealing with power cycling issues in your Sony TV can be frustrating, but with patience and systematic troubleshooting, many problems can be resolved without the need for expensive repairs or replacements. This guide has walked you through various potential causes and solutions, from simple power supply checks to more complex internal component assessments.

Remember to always prioritize safety when attempting any DIY solutions, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help for issues beyond your comfort or skill level. Regular maintenance, such as keeping your TV’s firmware updated and ensuring proper ventilation, can go a long way in preventing power cycling and other performance issues.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can often restore your Sony TV to its optimal functioning state, ensuring many more hours of uninterrupted viewing pleasure. If you continue to experience issues or are unsure about any of the steps, Sony’s official support resources and authorized service centers are available to provide expert assistance tailored to your specific TV model.


Why does my Sony TV keep turning on and off by itself?

Power cycling in Sony TVs can occur due to various reasons, including power supply issues, overheating, software glitches, or faulty internal components. It’s often a protective measure to prevent damage when the TV detects a problem. Systematically troubleshooting potential causes, as outlined in this guide, can help identify and resolve the specific issue affecting your TV.

Can a bad power cord cause my Sony TV to power cycle?

Yes, a damaged or faulty power cord can indeed cause power cycling issues. A compromised power cord may not deliver consistent electricity to your TV, triggering protective shutdowns. Carefully inspect your power cord for any signs of damage, such as fraying, kinks, or exposed wires. If you notice any issues, replace the cord with an authentic Sony replacement to ensure proper and safe power delivery.

How often should I update my Sony TV’s firmware?

It’s best to keep your Sony TV’s firmware up to date at all times. Many Sony TVs offer automatic update features, which you should enable if available. If your TV doesn’t have this feature, check for updates manually every few months. Regular updates not only help prevent issues like power cycling but also often introduce new features and improvements to your TV’s performance and security.

Is it safe to open my Sony TV to check for internal issues?

Opening your Sony TV to inspect internal components is generally not recommended for several reasons. First, it can be dangerous due to the risk of electric shock, even when the TV is unplugged. Second, opening the TV may void your warranty. Lastly, without proper knowledge and tools, you might inadvertently cause more damage. If you suspect internal issues, it’s safer and more effective to consult with a professional technician or an authorized Sony service center.

How can I prevent my Sony TV from overheating?

To prevent overheating, ensure your Sony TV has adequate ventilation. Keep at least 4 inches of clear space around all sides of the TV. Avoid placing it in enclosed spaces or direct sunlight. Regularly clean the vents to prevent dust buildup, and consider using an external cooling fan if you live in a particularly warm environment. Also, avoid blocking the TV’s vents with other objects or furniture.

For more information, visit Sony TV.

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