September 29, 2024
How To Samsung TV Screen Flickering

Solve Samsung TV Screen Flickering: Troubleshooting Guide

Discover expert solutions to fix Samsung TV screen flickering issues. Our comprehensive guide offers step-by-step troubleshooting, from cable checks to professional repair options.

Table of Contents


Is your Samsung TV screen flickering driving you crazy? You’re not alone. Many Samsung TV owners face this frustrating issue, which can significantly impact your viewing experience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through various troubleshooting steps to resolve screen flicker problems on your Samsung TV. From simple cable checks to advanced settings adjustments, we’ve got you covered. By following our expert advice, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite shows and movies without the annoying flicker in no time. Let’s dive in and unlock the secret to a stable, flicker-free Samsung TV screen!

Understanding Screen Flicker

Screen flicker on Samsung TVs can manifest in various ways, impacting your viewing experience and potentially causing eye strain. To effectively solve this issue, it’s crucial to understand its root causes and how it affects your TV’s display.

Types of Screen Flicker

  • Constant Flicker: A continuous, rapid flickering that is visible across the entire screen, often accompanied by a noticeable pulsing effect.
  • Intermittent Flicker: Occasional flickering that comes and goes, sometimes triggered by specific scenes or content types.
  • Edge Flicker: Flickering that occurs primarily along the edges or corners of the screen, which can be particularly distracting during dark scenes.

Common Causes of Flicker

  • Refresh Rate Mismatch: When the TV’s refresh rate doesn’t align with the content’s frame rate, it can result in visible flickering or juddering.
  • Backlight Issues: Problems with the TV’s backlight system can cause inconsistent illumination, leading to perceived flickering.
  • Signal Interference: External factors like nearby electronic devices or poor cable connections can introduce noise into the signal, causing flickering.

Impact on Viewing Experience

  • Visual Discomfort: Prolonged exposure to screen flicker can cause eye strain, headaches, and general visual discomfort for viewers.
  • Reduced Picture Quality: Flickering can significantly degrade the overall picture quality, particularly affecting motion clarity and color accuracy.
  • Distraction from Content: Persistent flickering can be highly distracting, taking away from the immersive experience of watching your favorite shows or movies.

Importance of Addressing Flicker

  • Preserving Eye Health: By eliminating screen flicker, you can reduce the risk of eye strain and related visual problems, especially during extended viewing sessions.
  • Enhancing Content Enjoyment: A flicker-free display allows you to fully appreciate the visual quality of your content without distractions.
  • Extending TV Lifespan: Addressing flicker issues promptly can prevent potential long-term damage to your TV’s display components.

Check Your Cable Connections

One of the simplest yet most effective steps in troubleshooting Samsung TV screen flicker is to inspect and secure all cable connections. Loose or faulty cables can often be the culprit behind flickering issues, and addressing them can provide a quick fix.

Inspect HDMI Cables

  • Check for Physical Damage: Carefully examine each HDMI cable for signs of wear. Look for fraying or bent connectors. These issues could compromise signal integrity.
  • Ensure Tight Connections: Verify that all HDMI cables are firmly plugged into both the TV and the connected devices. Even slightly loose connections can cause intermittent flickering.

Verify Power Cable Connection

  • Examine the Power Cord: Look for any visible damage to the TV’s power cord, such as cuts, exposed wires, or bent prongs on the plug.
  • Secure Power Connection: Ensure the power cable is fully inserted into both the TV and the wall outlet, as a loose power connection can lead to inconsistent power supply and screen flickering.

Test Alternative Ports

  • Switch HDMI Ports: Try connecting your devices to different HDMI ports on the TV to rule out issues with specific inputs.
  • Use High-Quality Cables: If possible, replace your current cables with high-quality, certified HDMI cables to eliminate potential signal degradation issues.

Consider Cable Management

  • Organize Cables: Neatly arrange your cables to prevent tangling and potential signal interference from other electronic devices.
  • Avoid Electromagnetic Interference: Keep power cables separate from signal cables to minimize the risk of electromagnetic interference causing screen flicker.

Adjust Picture Settings

Fine-tuning your Samsung TV’s picture settings can often resolve screen flicker issues and enhance overall image quality. By optimizing various parameters, you can create a more stable and visually pleasing display.

Modify Brightness and Contrast

  • Adjust Brightness Levels: Experiment with lowering the brightness slightly, as excessively high brightness can sometimes contribute to perceived flickering.
  • Fine-tune Contrast: Adjust the contrast settings to find a balance that reduces flicker while maintaining image clarity and depth.

Optimize Motion Settings

  • Disable Auto Motion Plus: Turn off or reduce the intensity of motion smoothing features, which can sometimes introduce artifacts that appear as flickering.
  • Adjust Judder Reduction: If your TV has a judder reduction setting, try adjusting it to minimize motion-related flickering during fast-moving scenes.

Calibrate Color Settings

  • Adjust Color Temperature: Experiment with different color temperature presets or manual adjustments to see if it reduces any color-related flickering.
  • Fine-tune Color Space: If your TV allows it, try switching between different color space options to find the setting that provides the most stable image.

Customize Picture Modes

  • Try Different Presets: Switch between various picture mode presets (e.g., Standard, Movie, Dynamic) to see if any particular mode reduces flickering.
  • Create a Custom Mode: Use the TV’s custom picture mode option to fine-tune all settings for optimal performance and minimal flicker.

Update TV Software

Keeping your Samsung TV’s software up-to-date is crucial for maintaining optimal performance and resolving various issues, including screen flicker. Regular updates can address known bugs and introduce improvements to enhance your viewing experience.

Check Current Software Version

  • Access Settings Menu: Navigate to your TV’s settings menu and locate the “Support” or “About” section to find information about the current software version.
  • Compare with Latest Version: Visit Samsung’s official website to check if there’s a newer software version available for your specific TV model.

Enable Auto Updates

  • Locate Auto Update Setting: Find the auto update option in your TV’s settings menu, usually under “Support” or “System.”
  • Activate Auto Updates: Enable the auto update feature to ensure your TV automatically downloads and installs the latest software versions as they become available.

Perform Manual Update

  • Download Update File: If auto updates are not available, manually download the latest software version from Samsung’s website to a USB drive.
  • Install via USB: Follow Samsung’s instructions to install the update from the USB drive, ensuring you don’t interrupt the process to avoid potential damage.

Verify Update Success

  • Check Software Version: After the update process completes, verify that your TV is now running the latest software version.
  • Test for Flicker: Observe your TV’s performance post-update to see if the screen flicker issue has been resolved or improved.

Disable Energy Saving Features

Energy-saving features, while beneficial for reducing power consumption, can sometimes contribute to screen flicker issues on Samsung TVs. Disabling or adjusting these features may help stabilize your display and eliminate unwanted flickering.

Locate Energy Saving Settings

  • Navigate to Picture Settings: Access your TV’s main menu and find the “Picture” or “System” settings where energy-saving options are typically located.
  • Identify Power Saving Options: Look for features like “Energy Saving Mode,” “Eco Solution,” or similarly named settings that adjust power consumption.

Adjust Ambient Light Detection

  • Find Ambient Light Sensor Settings: Locate options related to ambient light detection, which may automatically adjust screen brightness based on room lighting.
  • Disable or Reduce Sensitivity: Turn off the ambient light sensor or reduce its sensitivity to prevent rapid brightness changes that can cause flickering.

Modify Dynamic Contrast

  • Locate Dynamic Contrast Settings: Find the dynamic contrast option, which automatically adjusts contrast levels based on screen content.
  • Reduce or Disable Feature: Lower the intensity of dynamic contrast or turn it off completely to see if it reduces screen flicker.

  • Check for Additional Settings: Look for other power-saving features like “Auto Power Off” or “Screen Saver” that might be affecting display stability.
  • Adjust or Disable as Needed: Experiment with turning off or modifying these additional features to find the optimal balance between energy efficiency and display performance.

Reset Picture Settings

If adjusting individual settings doesn’t resolve the screen flicker issue, performing a reset of your Samsung TV’s picture settings can often help. This process restores default values, potentially eliminating any misconfigurations causing the flicker problem.

Access Picture Reset Option

  • Navigate to Picture Settings: Open your TV’s menu and locate the “Picture” or “Display” settings section.
  • Find Reset Option: Look for a “Reset Picture Mode” or “Reset Picture Settings” option within this menu.

Choose Reset Type

  • Select Full Reset: Opt for a complete picture settings reset if available, which will restore all picture-related settings to their factory defaults.
  • Consider Partial Reset: If offered, you may choose to reset only specific aspects of picture settings, such as brightness and contrast, while keeping others intact.

Confirm Reset Action

  • Review Warning Message: Read any warning messages carefully, as resetting will erase all custom picture adjustments you’ve made.
  • Proceed with Reset: Confirm the reset action when prompted, understanding that this will revert all selected settings to their original values.

Reconfigure Essential Settings

  • Adjust Basic Parameters: After the reset, quickly adjust essential settings like brightness and contrast to suit your viewing environment.
  • Fine-tune as Needed: Gradually refine other picture settings over time, observing how each adjustment affects the screen flicker issue.

Perform a Factory Reset

When other troubleshooting steps fail to resolve the screen flicker issue on your Samsung TV, a factory reset can be a powerful solution. This process restores your TV to its original state, potentially eliminating software-related problems causing the flicker.

Backup Important Data

  • Record Custom Settings: Take note of any custom settings, network configurations, or app logins you want to preserve before proceeding with the reset.
  • Prepare for Reconfiguration: Understand that you’ll need to set up your TV from scratch after the reset, including reinstalling apps and adjusting settings.

Access Factory Reset Option

  • Navigate to General Settings: Open your TV’s menu and find the “General” or “System” settings section.
  • Locate Reset Option: Look for “Reset,” “Factory Reset,” or “Restore Factory Defaults” within these settings.

Initiate Reset Process

  • Select Factory Reset: Choose the option to perform a complete factory reset, which will erase all data and settings on your TV.
  • Enter Security PIN: If prompted, enter your TV’s security PIN. The default is usually “0000” if you haven’t changed it.

Complete Reset and Initial Setup

  • Allow Reset to Finish: Let the reset process complete without interruption, which may take several minutes.
  • Follow Setup Wizard: Once the TV restarts, follow the initial setup wizard to reconfigure basic settings and reconnect to your network.

Check External Devices

External devices connected to your Samsung TV can sometimes be the source of screen flicker issues. By systematically checking and troubleshooting these connections, you can isolate and resolve problems originating from peripheral equipment.

Disconnect All Devices

  • Unplug External Sources: Disconnect all devices connected to your TV, including cable/satellite boxes, gaming consoles, and streaming devices.
  • Test TV Performance: Observe the TV’s performance without any external inputs to determine if the flicker persists.

Reconnect Devices Individually

  • Connect One Device at a Time: Gradually reconnect each external device, testing the TV’s performance after each connection.
  • Identify Problematic Sources: Pay attention to which device, if any, causes the screen flicker to return when connected.

Update Device Firmware

  • Check for Updates: For any devices that seem to cause flickering, verify if they have available firmware updates.
  • Install Latest Firmware: Update the firmware on problematic devices to resolve potential compatibility issues with your TV.

Test Alternative Ports

  • Use Different HDMI Inputs: If a device causes flickering on one HDMI port, try connecting it to a different port on your TV.
  • Consider Port Specifications: Be aware that some HDMI ports may have different capabilities (e.g., HDMI 2.1 vs. HDMI 2.0), which could affect performance.

Inspect Power Supply

A stable power supply is crucial for your Samsung TV’s proper functioning. Fluctuations or inconsistencies in power can often lead to screen flicker and other display issues. Investigating your TV’s power supply can help identify and resolve these problems.

Check Wall Outlet

  • Test Different Outlets: Try plugging your TV into different wall outlets to rule out issues with a specific power source.
  • Use a Voltage Tester: If possible, use a voltage tester to verify that your outlet is providing consistent, appropriate voltage.

Examine Power Strip or Surge Protector

  • Bypass Intermediary Devices: If your TV is connected through a power strip or surge protector, try plugging it directly into the wall outlet.
  • Replace Faulty Equipment: If using a power strip or surge protector, consider replacing it with a new one to eliminate potential issues.

Investigate Power Cord

  • Inspect for Damage: Carefully examine the TV’s power cord for any signs of wear, fraying, or damage that could affect power delivery.
  • Ensure Secure Connection: Verify that the power cord is firmly connected to both the TV and the power source.

Consider Power Fluctuations

  • Monitor for Patterns: Pay attention to whether the flickering coincides with the use of other high-power devices in your home.
  • Install a Voltage Regulator: If you suspect power fluctuations, consider using a voltage regulator to stabilize the power supply to your TV.

Disable Eco Solution

Samsung’s Eco Solution features, designed to reduce power consumption, can sometimes contribute to screen flickering. Disabling these energy-saving functions may help stabilize your display and eliminate unwanted flicker.

Access Eco Solution Settings

  • Navigate to System Settings: Open your TV’s menu and look for “System” or “General” settings.
  • Find Eco Solution Option: Locate the “Eco Solution” or similarly named energy-saving section within these settings.

Turn Off Energy Saving Mode

  • Identify Energy Saving Options: Look for features like “Energy Saving Mode” or “Power Saving” within the Eco Solution menu.
  • Disable Energy Saving: Switch off the energy saving mode or set it to its lowest setting to reduce its impact on screen performance.

Adjust Ambient Light Detection

  • Locate Light Sensor Settings: Find options related to ambient light detection, which may automatically adjust screen brightness.
  • Disable Auto Brightness: Turn off any automatic brightness adjustment features to maintain consistent screen illumination.

  • Check for Additional Eco Settings: Look for other power-saving features like “Auto Power Off” or “Screen Saver” that might affect display stability.
  • Modify or Disable as Needed: Experiment with turning off or adjusting these additional features to optimize display performance.

Adjust Backlight Settings

The backlight of your Samsung TV plays a crucial role in image quality and can significantly impact screen flicker issues. Fine-tuning backlight settings can help achieve a more stable and comfortable viewing experience.

Access Backlight Controls

  • Navigate to Picture Settings: Open your TV’s menu and find the “Picture” or “Display” settings.
  • Locate Backlight Option: Look for a specific “Backlight” setting, which may be separate from brightness controls.

Reduce Backlight Intensity

  • Lower Backlight Level: Gradually decrease the backlight intensity to see if it reduces flickering while maintaining acceptable picture quality.
  • Find Optimal Balance: Adjust the backlight in conjunction with brightness and contrast to achieve the best combination for flicker-free viewing.

Experiment with Local Dimming

  • Identify Local Dimming Settings: If your TV supports it, find options for local dimming or micro dimming in the advanced picture settings.
  • Adjust Local Dimming Strength: Try different levels of local dimming to see if it impacts the flickering issue positively or negatively.

Consider Backlight Scanning

  • Look for Motion Lighting Options: Search for settings related to backlight scanning or motion lighting, which can affect how the backlight operates during motion.
  • Test Different Modes: If available, try turning backlight scanning on or off to see which setting provides the most stable image.

Test Different Input Sources

Sometimes, screen flicker issues can be isolated to specific input sources. By testing various inputs, you can determine whether the problem lies with your TV or the connected devices.

Switch Between HDMI Ports

  • Try Alternative HDMI Inputs: If you’re experiencing flicker with a device connected via HDMI, try moving it to a different HDMI port on your TV.
  • Compare Performance: Observe if the flickering persists or changes when using different HDMI inputs.

Test Built-in Sources

  • Use TV’s Smart Features: Switch to your TV’s built-in smart platform or apps to see if the flickering occurs without external inputs.
  • Try Over-the-Air Channels: If you have an antenna connected, test over-the-air broadcast channels to compare their performance.

Check Streaming Services

  • Stream Content Directly: Use your TV’s built-in streaming apps to determine if the flickering occurs with streaming content.
  • Compare Multiple Services: Test various streaming services to see if the issue is consistent across different platforms.

Evaluate Gaming Consoles

  • Connect Gaming Devices: If you use gaming consoles, connect them and observe if the flickering is more or less pronounced during gameplay.
  • Adjust Console Video Settings: Experiment with different video output settings on your gaming console to see if they affect the flickering.

Verify Signal Strength

Poor signal quality can often manifest as screen flickering, especially for cable or satellite TV connections. Ensuring a strong, stable signal can help eliminate these issues.

Check Cable Connections

  • Inspect Physical Cables: Examine all cables connecting your TV to the signal source, looking for any signs of damage or loose connections.
  • Tighten Connections: Ensure all cable connections are secure at both the TV and the signal source end.

Assess Signal Quality

  • Access Signal Information: Use your TV’s built-in diagnostics or your cable/satellite box’s signal strength meter to check signal levels.
  • Look for Signal Strength Indicators: Pay attention to metrics like signal strength and signal quality, which should ideally be above 80%.

Improve Antenna Reception

  • Reposition Indoor Antenna: If using an indoor antenna, try different locations and orientations to optimize signal reception.
  • Consider Outdoor Antenna: For persistent signal issues, an outdoor antenna might provide stronger, more stable reception.

Consult Service Provider

  • Contact Cable/Satellite Company: If signal issues persist, reach out to your service provider to check for potential line problems or scheduled maintenance.
  • Schedule Professional Inspection: Consider having a technician inspect your home’s cable or satellite installation for any issues affecting signal quality.

Contact Samsung Support

If you’ve exhausted all troubleshooting options and the screen flicker persists, it’s time to seek professional assistance from Samsung’s support team. They can provide expert guidance and determine if your TV requires service.

Prepare Necessary Information

  • Gather TV Details: Have your TV’s model number, serial number, and purchase date ready before contacting support.
  • Document Troubleshooting Steps: Make a list of all the steps you’ve already taken to address the flickering issue.

Choose Contact Method

  • Visit Samsung’s Support Website: Navigate to Samsung’s official support page to access self-help resources or initiate a support request.
  • Use Samsung’s Support App: If available, download and use the Samsung support app on your smartphone for convenient assistance.

Explain the Issue Clearly

  • Describe the Flickering: Provide a detailed description of the flickering, including when it occurs and any patterns you’ve noticed.
  • Mention Attempted Solutions: Inform the support representative about the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.

Follow Support Instructions

  • Perform Remote Diagnostics: If offered, allow the support team to perform remote diagnostics on your TV to identify potential issues.
  • Schedule In-Person Service: If necessary, arrange for an in-home service visit or learn how to send your TV for repair.

Consider Professional Repair

When all else fails, and Samsung support cannot resolve the issue remotely, professional repair may be the best course of action. This step ensures that your TV receives expert attention to address the root cause of the screen flicker.

Evaluate Warranty Coverage

  • Check Warranty Status: Verify if your TV is still under warranty, which may cover the cost of repairs or replacement.
  • Review Extended Warranty: If you purchased an extended warranty, check its terms to see if it applies to your current issue.

Locate Authorized Service Centers

  • Find Samsung-Approved Repair Centers: Use Samsung’s website or contact their support to locate authorized service centers in your area.
  • Read Reviews: Look for customer reviews of local repair centers to gauge their reliability and quality of service.

Obtain Repair Estimate

  • Request Detailed Quote: Ask for a comprehensive repair estimate, including parts and labor costs, before agreeing to any service.
  • Inquire About Guarantees: Check if the repair service offers any guarantees on their work and for how long.

Consider Cost-Effectiveness

  • Compare Repair vs. Replacement: Weigh the cost of repair against the price of a new TV, considering the age and condition of your current set.
  • Factor in Future Reliability: Consider whether repairing an older TV is worth it or if investing in a newer model might be more beneficial in the long run.


Dealing with screen flicker on your Samsung TV can be frustrating, but with the comprehensive troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you’re well-equipped to tackle the issue. From simple cable checks to advanced settings adjustments and even professional repair considerations, we’ve covered a wide range of solutions to help you restore your TV’s picture quality.

Remember, the key to resolving screen flicker often lies in systematic troubleshooting. Start with the simplest solutions, such as checking connections and adjusting basic settings, before moving on to more complex steps. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Samsung support if you encounter persistent issues, as they can provide specialized assistance tailored to your specific TV model.

By following this guide, you’ve taken important steps towards enhancing your viewing experience and extending the life of your Samsung TV. Whether you’ve successfully eliminated the flicker or determined that professional help is needed, you now have a better understanding of your TV’s functionality and how to maintain its optimal performance.

For more information on Samsung TV features and support, visit Samsung TV.


Why does my Samsung TV screen flicker when watching certain content?

Screen flickering during specific content can be caused by various factors, including:

  • Mismatched refresh rates between the TV and the content source
  • Issues with motion smoothing or other picture enhancement features
  • Problems with the HDMI connection or cable quality

Try adjusting your TV’s picture settings, particularly motion-related features, and ensure you’re using high-quality HDMI cables to resolve this issue.

Can a failing backlight cause screen flickering on my Samsung TV?

Yes, a failing backlight can indeed cause screen flickering. Signs of backlight issues include:

  • Inconsistent brightness across the screen
  • Flickering that worsens over time
  • Visible dark patches or uneven illumination

If you suspect backlight failure, it’s best to consult with a professional technician or Samsung support, as this may require internal repairs.

How often should I update my Samsung TV’s software to prevent issues like screen flicker?

It’s recommended to keep your Samsung TV’s software up-to-date at all times. To ensure this:

  • Enable automatic updates in your TV’s settings menu
  • Check for updates manually every few months if automatic updates are disabled
  • Pay attention to any notifications about available updates on your TV

Regular updates can resolve various performance issues, including some causes of screen flicker.

Is screen flickering covered under Samsung’s warranty?

Screen flickering may be covered under Samsung’s warranty, depending on:

  • The cause of the flickering (manufacturing defect vs. user damage)
  • The age of your TV and the terms of your warranty
  • Whether you’ve purchased an extended warranty

Check your warranty documentation or contact Samsung support to determine if your specific flickering issue is covered.

Can using a surge protector help prevent screen flickering on my Samsung TV?

Using a surge protector can potentially help with screen flickering by:

  • Stabilizing the power supply to your TV
  • Protecting against voltage spikes that could damage internal components
  • Reducing electromagnetic interference from other devices

While it’s not a guaranteed fix, a good-quality surge protector is generally recommended to protect your TV and may help with certain types of flickering issues.

How do I know if the screen flickering is caused by my TV or the content I’m watching?

To determine if the flickering is TV-related or content-specific:

  • Try watching different types of content (e.g., live TV, streaming, Blu-ray)
  • Test various input sources (HDMI ports, built-in apps, antenna)
  • Observe if the flickering occurs on menu screens or only during video playback

If the flickering is consistent across all content and sources, it’s likely a TV issue. If it only occurs with specific content, the problem may be with the source material or connection.

Can ambient lighting in my room contribute to perceived screen flicker?

Yes, ambient lighting can affect how you perceive screen flicker. To minimize this:

  • Adjust your room’s lighting to reduce glare and reflections on the screen
  • Experiment with your TV’s brightness and contrast settings in different lighting conditions
  • Consider using bias lighting behind your TV to reduce eye strain and improve perceived picture quality

Optimizing your viewing environment can often alleviate mild flickering issues or improve overall picture quality.

What should I do if screen flickering starts suddenly after years of normal operation?

If screen flickering occurs suddenly on a previously stable TV:

  • Check for recent changes in your setup or connections
  • Perform a power cycle by unplugging the TV for a few minutes, then plugging it back in
  • Check for and install any available software updates
  • Reset your TV’s picture settings to default values

If the issue persists, it could indicate a hardware problem, and you should contact Samsung support for further assistance.

Can overheating cause screen flickering on Samsung TVs?

Yes, overheating can potentially cause screen flickering. To prevent this:

  • Ensure proper ventilation around your TV
  • Keep the TV away from heat sources and direct sunlight
  • Clean the vents regularly to prevent dust buildup
  • Avoid blocking the TV’s ventilation holes with decorative items or wall mounts

If you suspect overheating, turn off the TV and allow it to cool down before troubleshooting further.

Is it safe to adjust my TV’s internal settings to fix screen flickering?

While adjusting internal settings can sometimes resolve flickering:

  • Stick to options available in the user menu unless directed otherwise by Samsung support
  • Avoid making changes to service menus or hidden settings, as this can void your warranty
  • Document any changes you make so you can revert them if necessary
  • If you’re unsure about a setting, consult your TV’s manual or contact Samsung support for guidance

Remember, improper adjustments can potentially cause more harm than good, so proceed with caution when modifying settings.

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