September 30, 2024
Restarting issues in Samsung TV

How To Fix Samsung TV Restarting Issues: Ultimate Guide

Discover expert solutions to fix your Samsung TV’s persistent restarting issues. Our comprehensive guide offers step-by-step troubleshooting methods to get your TV back to normal.

Table of Contents


Samsung TVs are known for their exceptional picture quality and smart features. However, like any electronic device, they can encounter issues. One of the most frustrating problems is when your Samsung TV keeps restarting issues. This persistent rebooting can disrupt your viewing experience and potentially indicate underlying hardware or software problems. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various troubleshooting steps to help you resolve Samsung TV restarting issues. By following these methods, you can potentially save time and money on unnecessary repairs or replacements. Let’s dive into the solutions to get your Samsung TV back to its optimal performance.

Power Cycle Your Samsung TV

Power cycling is often the first and simplest solution to try when dealing with Samsung TV restarting issues. This process helps clear temporary glitches and refresh the TV’s system.

Unplug the TV

  • Locate the power cord at the back of your Samsung TV and unplug it from the electrical outlet.
  • Ensure the TV is completely disconnected from any power source for at least 60 seconds.

Press and Hold Power Button

  • While the TV is unplugged, find the power button on the TV itself (not on the remote).
  • Press and hold this button for about 30 seconds to discharge any residual power in the capacitors.

Wait Before Reconnecting

  • After releasing the power button, wait for an additional 30 seconds before plugging the TV back in.
  • This waiting period allows the TV’s internal components to fully reset and stabilize.

Power On and Observe

  • Plug the TV back into the power outlet and turn it on using the power button on the TV.
  • Observe the TV for several minutes to see if the restarting issue persists or has been resolved.

Check Power Supply and Connections

Inconsistent power supply or loose connections can often be the culprits behind Samsung TV restarting issues. Ensuring proper power delivery is crucial for stable operation.

Inspect Power Cable

  • Carefully examine the entire length of the power cable for any signs of damage, fraying, or exposed wires.
  • If you notice any issues with the cable, replace it with a new, compatible power cord to ensure safe operation.

Secure Power Connections

  • Check that the power cable is firmly plugged into both the TV and the wall outlet.
  • Gently wiggle the connections to ensure they’re snug and not loose, which could cause intermittent power issues.

Test Different Outlets

  • Try plugging your Samsung TV into a different wall outlet to rule out problems with the current power source.
  • If possible, use an outlet on a separate circuit to eliminate potential overload issues on the original circuit.

Use a Surge Protector

  • Consider using a high-quality surge protector to safeguard your TV against power fluctuations and surges.
  • Ensure the surge protector is rated for your TV’s power consumption and has enough outlets for all your devices.

Update Samsung TV Software

Outdated software can lead to various issues, including restarting problems. Keeping your Samsung TV’s firmware up-to-date is essential for optimal performance and stability.

Check Current Software Version

  • Navigate to your TV’s settings menu and locate the “Support” or “About” section.
  • Find the current software version and note it down for reference.

Enable Auto-Updates

  • In the TV settings, look for the “Software Update” or “Auto Update” option.
  • Enable automatic updates to ensure your TV always has the latest firmware installed.

Manually Check for Updates

  • If auto-updates are disabled, manually check for available updates in the “Software Update” section.
  • Follow the on-screen prompts to download and install any available updates for your Samsung TV.

Perform Update via USB

  • If your TV can’t connect to the internet, download the latest firmware from Samsung’s website on a computer.
  • Transfer the update file to a USB drive and install it on your TV following Samsung’s official instructions.

Disable External Device Connections

Sometimes, connected external devices can interfere with your Samsung TV’s operation, causing restarting issues. Isolating the TV can help identify if an external device is the root cause.

Disconnect HDMI Devices

  • Unplug all HDMI cables from your Samsung TV, including cable boxes, gaming consoles, and streaming devices.
  • Power on the TV and observe if the restarting issue persists without any HDMI connections.

Remove USB Devices

  • Disconnect any USB devices, such as external hard drives or USB sticks, from your Samsung TV.
  • Check if the TV operates normally without these USB peripherals connected.

Turn Off Network Connections

  • Disable both wired (Ethernet) and wireless (Wi-Fi) network connections on your Samsung TV.
  • Observe the TV’s behavior when it’s not connected to any networks to rule out network-related issues.

Disable HDMI-CEC

  • Navigate to your TV’s settings and find the HDMI-CEC option (may be called Anynet+ on Samsung TVs).
  • Disable this feature temporarily to prevent other devices from controlling your TV and potentially causing issues.

Reset Samsung TV to Factory Settings

Performing a factory reset can often resolve persistent Samsung TV restarting issues by clearing all settings and returning the TV to its original state.

Backup Important Data

  • Before resetting, make note of any important settings, Wi-Fi passwords, or app login information.
  • Ensure any personal content stored on the TV is backed up, as it will be erased during the reset process.

  • Access your TV’s settings menu and look for the “General” or “System” section.
  • Find the “Reset” or “Factory Reset” option, which may be under a sub-menu like “Self Diagnosis.”

Initiate Factory Reset

  • Select the factory reset option and confirm your choice when prompted.
  • Enter your TV’s PIN if required (default is usually 0000 if you haven’t changed it).

Complete Setup After Reset

  • Once the reset is complete, go through the initial setup process as if it were a new TV.
  • Reconfigure your settings, reconnect to Wi-Fi, and reinstall any necessary apps.

Check for Overheating Issues

Overheating can cause Samsung TVs to restart as a protective measure. Ensuring proper ventilation and addressing heat-related problems can prevent restarting issues.

Assess TV Placement

  • Ensure your Samsung TV has adequate space around it for proper air circulation.
  • Keep at least 4 inches of clearance on all sides and avoid placing the TV in enclosed spaces.

Clean Vents and Fans

  • Carefully inspect the TV’s vents and fans for any dust or debris accumulation.
  • Use a soft brush or compressed air to gently clean these areas, improving airflow and heat dissipation.

Check Ambient Temperature

  • Ensure the room temperature where your TV is located is within the recommended operating range (typically 50-90°F).
  • Avoid placing the TV near heat sources like radiators, fireplaces, or in direct sunlight.

Consider External Cooling

  • If overheating persists, consider using a small, quiet fan directed at the TV’s vents to improve air circulation.
  • Ensure any external cooling solution doesn’t interfere with the TV’s built-in cooling system or sensors.

Examine TV Components

Internal component issues can lead to Samsung TV restarting issues. While you shouldn’t open the TV yourself, you can perform some external checks.

Listen for Unusual Sounds

  • Power on your TV and listen carefully for any clicking, buzzing, or other abnormal sounds.
  • Unusual noises could indicate problems with the power supply, capacitors, or other internal components.

Check for Visual Anomalies

  • Observe the TV screen for any flickering, lines, or discoloration that may appear before a restart occurs.
  • These visual cues can help identify potential issues with the display panel or internal connections.

Inspect Exterior for Damage

  • Carefully examine the TV’s exterior for any signs of physical damage, cracks, or warping.
  • Even minor external damage can sometimes indicate internal issues that may cause restarting issues.

Test with Minimal Configuration

  • Disconnect all external devices and turn off any non-essential TV features.
  • Observe if the TV operates normally in this minimal configuration to isolate potential component issues.

Disable Eco Solutions and Auto Protection Time

Certain power-saving features and automatic functions can sometimes interfere with your Samsung TV’s normal operation, leading to restarting issues.

Access Eco Solution Settings

  • Navigate to your TV’s settings menu and look for the “General” or “System” section.
  • Find and select the “Eco Solution” or “Power Saving” option to access related settings.

Turn Off Auto Power Off

  • Locate the “Auto Power Off” feature within the Eco Solution settings.
  • Disable this option to prevent the TV from automatically turning off due to inactivity.

Adjust Energy Saving Mode

  • Find the “Energy Saving Mode” or similar option in the Eco Solution settings.
  • Set this to “Off” or the lowest setting to rule out power-saving features as a cause of restarts.

Disable Auto Protection Time

  • Look for the “Auto Protection Time” feature, which may be in a different settings menu.
  • Turn off this feature, which is designed to prevent screen burn-in but can cause unexpected shutoffs.

Verify Signal Source

Sometimes, issues with the input signal can cause your Samsung TV to restart repeatedly. Checking and troubleshooting your signal source can help resolve these problems.

Test Multiple Input Sources

  • Connect different devices to various input ports (HDMI, component, etc.) on your Samsung TV.
  • Observe if the restarting issues occurs with all sources or only with specific inputs.

Check Cable Connections

  • Ensure all cables connecting your devices to the TV are securely plugged in at both ends.
  • Try wiggling the connections gently to check for any loose or intermittent connections.

Use Alternative Cables

  • If possible, swap out the current cables with known working alternatives.
  • This can help determine if the issue is related to faulty or damaged cables.

Adjust Input Signal Settings

  • Access your TV’s picture settings and look for options like “Input Signal Plus” or “HDMI UHD Color.”
  • Try toggling these settings on or off to see if it resolves any signal-related restarting issues.

Inspect for Physical Damage

Physical damage to your Samsung TV, even if not immediately apparent, can lead to various issues, including unexpected restarts.

Check for Visible Cracks

  • Carefully examine the TV screen, bezel, and back panel for any visible cracks or fractures.
  • Even small cracks can indicate internal damage that might be causing operational problems.

Look for Liquid Damage Signs

  • Inspect the TV for any signs of liquid damage, such as water stains or corrosion on visible parts.
  • Check particularly around vents, ports, and seams where liquid might have entered the TV.

Assess for Impact Damage

  • Look for any dents, warping, or misalignment in the TV’s frame or stand.
  • These could be signs of impact damage that might have affected internal components.

Examine Internal Components (Cautiously)

  • If comfortable, gently tilt the TV to listen for any loose parts moving inside.
  • Do not open the TV yourself, as this can void the warranty and pose safety risks.

Test with Different Power Outlet

Power supply issues can often manifest as TV restarting problems. Testing your Samsung TV with a different power outlet can help isolate electrical issues.

Choose a Different Circuit

  • Plug your TV into an outlet on a different circuit in your home.
  • This helps rule out issues with the original circuit, such as overloading or wiring problems.

Use a Direct Wall Outlet

  • If you’re using a power strip or surge protector, try plugging the TV directly into a wall outlet.
  • This eliminates the possibility of a faulty power strip causing the restarting issues.

Check Outlet Voltage

  • If possible, use a voltage tester to ensure the outlet is providing the correct voltage for your TV.
  • Inconsistent or incorrect voltage can cause various operational issues, including restarts.

Consider a Voltage Stabilizer

  • In areas with unstable power supply, consider using a voltage stabilizer with your TV.
  • A stabilizer can help protect against power fluctuations that might be causing restart problems.

Disable Smart Hub Auto-Update

Automatic updates of the Smart Hub can sometimes conflict with your TV’s operation, potentially leading to restarting issues.

Access Smart Hub Settings

  • Navigate to your TV’s Smart Hub or Smart Features settings.
  • Look for options related to updates or auto-update features.

Turn Off Auto-Updates

  • Find the “Auto Update” option for Smart Hub or smart features.
  • Disable this setting to prevent automatic updates that might interfere with TV operation.

Manually Update Smart Hub

  • Instead of relying on auto-updates, periodically check for Smart Hub updates manually.
  • This allows you to control when updates occur and avoid potential conflicts.

Clear Smart Hub Cache

  • Look for an option to clear the Smart Hub cache or reset Smart Hub.
  • Performing this action can help resolve issues caused by corrupted temporary data.

Contact Samsung Support

If you’ve tried various troubleshooting steps and your Samsung TV still keeps restarting, it’s time to seek professional assistance from Samsung support.

Gather Necessary Information

  • Note down your TV’s model number, serial number, and current software version.
  • Prepare a detailed description of the restarting issue and the steps you’ve already taken.

Visit Samsung’s Support Website

  • Go to Samsung’s official support website and navigate to the TV support section.
  • Look for model-specific troubleshooting guides or FAQs that might address your issue.

Use Online Chat Support

  • Many Samsung support websites offer live chat options with technical support representatives.
  • Utilize this feature for real-time assistance and troubleshooting guidance.

Call Samsung Customer Service

  • If online resources aren’t sufficient, call Samsung’s customer service hotline for your region.
  • Be prepared to provide all the information you’ve gathered about your TV and the issue.

Consider Professional Repair

When all else fails, and especially if your TV is out of warranty, professional repair might be the best option to resolve persistent Samsung TV restarting issues.

Locate Authorized Service Centers

  • Use Samsung’s website to find authorized service centers in your area.
  • Authorized centers have technicians trained specifically to work on Samsung products.

Get a Repair Estimate

  • Contact the service center to get an estimate for diagnosing and potentially repairing your TV.
  • Compare this cost with the price of a new TV to determine the most cost-effective solution.

Prepare TV for Service

  • If you decide to proceed with professional repair, back up any important data on your TV.
  • Remove any accessories or stands and prepare the TV for safe transport to the service center.

Consider Extended Warranty Options

  • For future protection, look into extended warranty or protection plan options for your TV.
  • These can provide coverage for repairs or replacements beyond the standard warranty period.


Why does my Samsung TV keep restarting?

Samsung TVs may restart due to various reasons, including power supply issues, outdated software, overheating, or faulty internal components. Troubleshooting steps like power cycling, updating firmware, and checking connections can often resolve the problem.

How do I stop my Samsung TV from constantly restarting?

To stop your Samsung TV from restarting, try power cycling the TV, checking all connections, updating the software, disabling Eco solutions, and ensuring proper ventilation. If the issue persists, a factory reset or professional repair may be necessary.

Can a power surge cause my Samsung TV to keep restarting?

Yes, power surges can damage internal components of your Samsung TV, leading to restarting issues. Using a surge protector and ensuring stable power supply can help prevent such problems.

Is it normal for a Samsung TV to restart during updates?

It’s normal for a Samsung TV to restart once or twice during a software update. However, if it’s stuck in a continuous restart loop during an update, there may be an issue with the update process. In this case, try power cycling the TV or performing a factory reset.

How often should I update my Samsung TV’s software?

It’s recommended to keep your Samsung TV’s software up-to-date. Enable auto-updates if available, or manually check for updates every few months. Regular updates can improve performance and potentially prevent restarting issues.

Can overheating cause my Samsung TV to restart repeatedly?

Yes, overheating can cause a Samsung TV to restart as a protective measure. Ensure proper ventilation around your TV, clean the vents regularly, and avoid placing it in enclosed spaces or near heat sources.

How do I know if my Samsung TV’s power supply is failing?

Signs of a failing power supply include frequent restarts, the TV not turning on, flickering screen, or unusual buzzing sounds. If you suspect power supply issues, it’s best to consult a professional technician for diagnosis and repair.

Will a factory reset fix my Samsung TV’s restarting problem?

A factory reset can often resolve software-related issues causing restarts. However, if the problem is hardware-related, a factory reset may not fix it. Try other troubleshooting steps before resorting to a factory reset.

How long should I wait after unplugging my Samsung TV during a power cycle?

When power cycling your Samsung TV, unplug it for at least 60 seconds. This allows time for capacitors to discharge and the TV’s internal components to fully reset.

Can connecting devices cause my Samsung TV to restart?

In some cases, connected devices can interfere with your TV’s operation, causing restarts. Try disconnecting all external devices and observe if the problem persists to isolate the issue.


Dealing with a Samsung TV restarting issues can be frustrating, but with the right approach, many issues can be resolved at home. Start with simple solutions like power cycling and checking connections before moving on to more complex troubleshooting steps. Keep your TV’s software updated, ensure proper ventilation, and be mindful of power supply stability. If the problem persists after trying these methods, don’t hesitate to contact Samsung support or consider professional repair. Remember, while DIY troubleshooting can often fix the issue, some problems may require expert intervention to ensure your TV’s longevity and optimal performance.

By following this comprehensive guide, you should be well-equipped to tackle most Samsung TV restarting issues. Whether it’s a simple fix or a more complex problem, understanding these troubleshooting steps will help you make informed decisions about your TV’s care and maintenance.

For More information visit SAMSUNG TV

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