September 30, 2024
Sony TV Stuck on Sony Logo

12 Powerful Steps to Fix the “Stuck on Sony Logo” Problem: The Ultimate Guide

Are you frustrated with your Sony TV refusing to move past the logo screen? Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered with this comprehensive guide to help you tackle the infamous “Stuck on Sony logo” issue. Follow our 12 powerful steps to breathe new life into your Sony TV and get back to enjoying your favorite shows in no time.

Perform a Soft Reset

The first step in resolving the “Stuck on Sony logo” problem is to perform a soft reset. This simple procedure can often clear minor glitches and restore your TV to normal functioning. A soft reset is a gentle way to reboot your TV’s system without losing any of your settings or data.

Steps to Perform a Soft Reset:

  1. Unplug your Sony TV from the power outlet. It’s important to disconnect the TV completely from its power source, not just turn it off with the remote or power button.
  2. Wait for at least 60 seconds. This waiting period is crucial as it allows the TV’s internal components to fully discharge. During this time, any residual electrical charge in the TV’s capacitors will dissipate, which can help clear temporary glitches or errors in the system.
  3. While waiting, press and hold the power button on the TV (not the remote) for about 15 seconds. This step helps to drain any residual power in the capacitors. You might not see any visible change, but this action is working behind the scenes to reset the TV’s internal state.
  4. After the minute has passed, plug the TV back into the power outlet. Make sure the connection is secure and the power cable is fully inserted.
  5. Turn on the TV using the power button on the TV itself, not the remote. This ensures that you’re directly engaging the TV’s power system rather than relying on the remote’s signal.
  6. Observe the TV carefully as it powers on. If the soft reset was successful, you should see the TV progress past the Sony logo and boot up normally.

If the soft reset doesn’t resolve the issue, don’t worry. While this method is often effective for minor glitches, more persistent problems may require additional steps. A soft reset is always a good starting point as it’s non-invasive and doesn’t risk any of your TV’s settings or data.

Remember, patience is key when performing a soft reset. Sometimes, it may take a few attempts before you see results. If you’ve tried the soft reset multiple times without success, it’s time to move on to the next troubleshooting step.

Check Power Supply

Sometimes, the “Stuck on Sony logo” problem can be caused by inconsistent power supply. A stable and correct power supply is crucial for your Sony TV’s proper functioning. Power issues can manifest in various ways, including the TV getting stuck on the logo screen. Let’s make sure your TV is receiving stable power.

How to Check and Resolve Power Supply Issues:

  1. Examine the power cable for any visible damage or fraying. Look closely along the entire length of the cable, paying special attention to the ends where it connects to the TV and the wall outlet. Any signs of wear, cuts, or exposed wires indicate that the cable needs replacement.
  2. Ensure the power cable is securely plugged into both the TV and the wall outlet. Sometimes, a loose connection can cause power inconsistencies. Unplug the cable and plug it back in firmly at both ends.
  3. Try plugging the TV into a different wall outlet to rule out issues with the original outlet. If possible, use an outlet in a different room or on a different circuit. This can help identify if the problem is with your home’s electrical system rather than the TV itself.
  4. If you’re using a surge protector or power strip, bypass it and plug the TV directly into the wall outlet. While surge protectors are generally beneficial, they can sometimes cause issues if they’re faulty or not rated for the TV’s power requirements.
  5. Consider using a voltage tester to check if the outlet is providing the correct voltage. In the United States, standard wall outlets should provide 120 volts AC. If you’re not comfortable using a voltage tester, consider calling an electrician.
  6. Check if other devices are working properly when plugged into the same outlet. If multiple devices are having issues, this could indicate a problem with your home’s electrical system.
  7. If you live in an area with frequent power fluctuations, consider investing in a voltage stabilizer or an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) for your TV. These devices can help protect your TV from power surges and ensure a consistent power supply.
  8. Inspect the power inlet on the TV itself. Sometimes, debris or damage to the TV’s power connection can cause issues. If you notice any problems, do not attempt to fix this yourself – contact a professional.
  9. If you have another compatible power cable, try using it with your TV. Sometimes, the issue might be with the cable itself rather than the TV or power outlet.
  10. Consider the time of day when the problem occurs. If it’s more prevalent during peak electricity usage hours in your area, this could indicate a wider issue with your local power grid.

Remember, a stable power supply is crucial for your Sony TV’s proper functioning. Electrical issues can not only cause problems like getting stuck on the logo screen but can also potentially damage your TV in the long run. If you suspect any serious electrical issues, it’s best to consult with a licensed electrician.

If you’ve confirmed that the power supply is stable and correct, but your TV is still stuck on the Sony logo, don’t worry. We have more troubleshooting steps to try.

Inspect HDMI Connections

Faulty HDMI connections can sometimes cause your Sony TV to get stuck on the logo screen. HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface) is a complex system, and issues with these connections can cause various problems, including preventing your TV from fully booting up. Let’s check and troubleshoot these connections thoroughly.

Steps to Inspect and Fix HDMI Connections:

  1. Unplug all HDMI cables from your TV. This includes cables from gaming consoles, cable/satellite boxes, streaming devices, and any other HDMI-connected equipment. Removing all cables helps isolate the issue and ensures you’re starting with a clean slate.
  2. Carefully examine each HDMI port on your TV for any visible damage or debris. Look for bent pins, cracks in the port housing, or any foreign objects that might have found their way into the port. Even small pieces of dust or debris can interfere with the HDMI connection.
  3. Use a can of compressed air to gently clean out any dust from the HDMI ports. Hold the can upright and use short bursts of air. Be careful not to tilt the can, as this can cause liquid propellant to escape, which could damage your TV.
  4. Inspect your HDMI cables for any signs of damage or wear. Look for frayed ends, kinks in the cable, or any exposed wiring. HDMI cables can degrade over time, especially if they’re frequently plugged and unplugged or if they’re of lower quality.
  5. Reconnect each HDMI cable one at a time, ensuring a snug fit. As you reconnect each device, turn on the TV and see if the issue persists. This can help identify if a particular device or cable is causing the problem.
  6. If possible, try using different HDMI cables to rule out cable-specific issues. Sometimes, a cable may appear fine visually but still have internal damage affecting its performance.
  7. If you have multiple devices connected via HDMI, disconnect all but one to isolate any device-specific problems. Start with your main device (like a cable box or primary streaming device) and see if the TV boots properly.
  8. Check the HDMI version compatibility between your TV and connected devices. While HDMI is generally backwards compatible, some features of newer HDMI versions may cause issues with older equipment.
  9. If your TV has multiple HDMI ports, try connecting your devices to different ports. Sometimes, a specific port may be faulty while others work fine.
  10. Consider the length of your HDMI cables. For 4K or HDR content, cables longer than 25 feet may cause signal degradation. If you’re using long cables, try shorter ones to see if it resolves the issue.
  11. Check your TV’s HDMI settings. Some Sony TVs have settings like “HDMI Enhanced Format” or “HDMI Signal Format”. Try toggling these settings if your TV allows access to them while stuck on the logo.
  12. If you’re using HDMI switches or splitters, try bypassing them and connecting devices directly to the TV. These intermediary devices can sometimes cause compatibility issues.

HDMI issues can be tricky to diagnose because they involve complex digital signals. A problem that seems to be caused by your TV might actually be due to a connected device or cable. By methodically checking each component of your HDMI setup, you can often identify and resolve these issues.

If you’re still experiencing the “Stuck on Sony logo” problem after thoroughly checking your HDMI connections, don’t worry. We have more advanced solutions coming up in the next steps.

Update Firmware

Outdated firmware can sometimes cause your Sony TV to get stuck on the logo screen. Firmware is the software that controls your TV’s hardware, and keeping it up-to-date is crucial for optimal performance and stability. Updating the firmware might resolve this issue and provide additional benefits like new features or improved security.

How to Update Your Sony TV’s Firmware:

  1. If your TV is connected to the internet, it should automatically check for and install updates. However, if it’s stuck on the logo screen, you’ll need to perform a manual update. This process requires a bit more effort but can often resolve complex issues.
  2. Visit the Sony Support website on a computer or smartphone. This official site ensures you’re getting the correct and most up-to-date firmware for your specific TV model.
  3. Enter your TV’s model number in the search bar. You can usually find the model number on a sticker on the back of your TV or in the original documentation that came with your purchase.
  4. Navigate to the “Downloads” section and look for the latest firmware update. Sony regularly releases updates to address known issues and improve TV performance.
  5. Download the firmware update to a USB drive. Ensure the USB drive is formatted to FAT32 file system. Most USB drives come pre-formatted as FAT32, but if you’re unsure, you can format it using your computer. Be aware that formatting will erase all data on the drive, so back up any important files first.
  6. Unplug your TV from the power outlet. This step ensures that the TV is in a completely powered-down state before you begin the update process.
  7. Insert the USB drive into your TV’s USB port. Most Sony TVs have USB ports on the side or back. If your TV has multiple USB ports, refer to your user manual to identify which one is used for updates.
  8. While pressing and holding the power button on the TV (not the remote), plug the TV back into the power outlet. Continue holding the power button – this signals to the TV that you want to perform a manual update.
  9. Continue holding the power button until you see the LED light flash. This flashing indicates that the TV has recognized the update files on the USB drive and is beginning the update process.
  10. Release the power button and wait for the update process to complete. This may take several minutes, and your TV screen might flicker or display various messages during this time. It’s crucial not to interrupt this process by unplugging the TV or removing the USB drive.
  11. Once the update is complete, your TV should restart automatically. If it doesn’t, try turning it on using the power button on the TV itself.
  12. After the update, check if the “Stuck on Sony logo” issue is resolved. If the TV boots up normally, you’ve successfully updated the firmware and potentially resolved the problem.
  13. If the TV is working correctly, go to the settings menu and check for any additional updates that might be available through the TV’s internet connection.

Updating firmware can often resolve complex issues like being stuck on the Sony logo. It’s a powerful troubleshooting step because it can fix software bugs that might not be apparent or fixable through other means.

Remember, firmware updates can sometimes take a while to complete, and it’s critical not to interrupt the process. If your TV doesn’t respond immediately after the update, give it some time – sometimes it needs a few minutes to fully initialize with the new firmware.

If this doesn’t work, don’t worry – we have more solutions to try in the following steps.

Factory Reset

If the previous steps haven’t resolved the “Stuck on Sony logo” problem, a factory reset might be necessary. This will erase all your settings and return the TV to its original state, potentially clearing any software issues that are causing the problem. While it’s a more drastic step, it can often resolve persistent issues that other methods can’t fix.

Steps to Perform a Factory Reset:

  1. Locate the reset button on your Sony TV. It’s usually a small pinhole on the back or side of the TV. You might need to consult your TV’s manual to find its exact location, as it can vary between models.
  2. Unplug your TV from the power outlet. This ensures that the TV is completely powered down before you begin the reset process.
  3. Prepare a thin, sturdy object to press the reset button. A paperclip or a ballpoint pen usually works well. Avoid using anything too sharp that might damage the button or your TV.
  4. Press and hold the reset button. You’ll need to keep it pressed throughout the next steps, so make sure you’re in a comfortable position.
  5. While holding the reset button, plug the TV back into the power outlet. This combination of holding the reset button while powering on the TV triggers the factory reset process.
  6. Continue holding the reset button for about 30 seconds, or until you see the TV’s LED light flash. This flashing indicates that the TV has recognized the reset command.
  7. Release the reset button and wait for the TV to complete the reset process. This may take several minutes, and your TV screen might flicker or display various messages during this time.
  8. Once the reset is complete, your TV should restart automatically. If it doesn’t, try turning it on using the power button on the TV itself.
  9. If the TV boots up successfully, you’ll need to go through the initial setup process again, just like when you first bought the TV. This includes selecting your language, connecting to Wi-Fi, and tuning channels.
  10. After completing the setup, check if the “Stuck on Sony logo” issue is resolved. If the TV is functioning normally, the factory reset has likely solved the problem.
  11. If your TV is working correctly, start reinstalling your apps and reconfiguring your settings. It’s a good idea to do this gradually, in case one particular setting or app was causing the original issue.
  12. Consider creating a list of your important settings before performing a factory reset in the future. This can make the process of reconfiguring your TV easier.

Remember, a factory reset will erase all your personalized settings, installed apps, and saved networks. It’s essentially returning your TV to the state it was in when you first took it out of the box. While this can be inconvenient, it’s often an effective way to resolve persistent software issues.

If your TV starts working after this step, you’ll need to set it up again as if it were new. This includes reconnecting to your Wi-Fi network, logging into your streaming services, and adjusting picture and sound settings to your preferences.

However, if the TV is still stuck on the Sony logo even after a factory reset, this suggests that the issue might be more serious than a simple software glitch. In this case, we’ll need to explore more advanced troubleshooting steps, which we’ll cover in the following sections.

Clear Cache and Data

Sometimes, corrupted cache and data can cause your Sony TV to get stuck on the logo screen. Clearing this data might resolve the issue by removing any problematic temporary files or settings that could be interfering with your TV’s normal boot process.

How to Clear Cache and Data:

  1. If you can access the TV’s settings menu:
  • Navigate to Settings > Storage & Reset
  • Select “Clear Cache”
  • After clearing the cache, select “Clear Data”
  • Confirm your choice when prompted. Be aware that clearing data will remove all app data and settings.
  • Once complete, restart your TV and check if the issue is resolved.
  1. If you can’t access the settings menu due to being stuck on the logo:
    • Press and hold the power button on the TV (not the remote) for about 10 seconds.
    • When the TV restarts, quickly press and hold the Volume Down button on the TV.
    • Keep holding until you see a message about clearing cache and data.
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the process.
    • This method varies slightly between Sony TV models, so if it doesn’t work, consult your TV’s manual for model-specific instructions.
  2. For Android TV models:
    • If your Sony TV runs on Android and you can access safe mode, try this method:
    • Turn off the TV and unplug it from the power source.
    • Press and hold the power button on the TV.
    • While holding the power button, plug the TV back in.
    • Keep holding the power button until the TV turns on and you see the Sony logo.
    • Release the power button and quickly press and hold the volume down button on the remote.
    • Keep holding until you see “Safe mode” at the bottom of the screen.
    • In safe mode, go to Settings > Storage & reset > Clear cache and Clear data for problematic apps.
  3. Use the TV’s self-diagnostic tool:
    • Some Sony TVs have a built-in self-diagnostic tool that can help clear cache and data.
    • Press the Home button on your remote.
    • Go to Settings > Customer Support > Self Diagnosis.
    • Select “OK” to run the self-diagnostic tool.
    • This tool can often clear cache and resolve minor software issues automatically.
  4. Perform a power cycle after clearing cache and data:
    • After clearing cache and data, unplug your TV from the power source.
    • Wait for about 5 minutes to ensure all residual power is drained.
    • Plug the TV back in and turn it on.
    • This complete power cycle can help ensure the changes take effect.

Clearing cache and data can often resolve software-related issues that cause the “Stuck on Sony logo” problem. It removes temporary files that might be corrupted or causing conflicts in the system. However, remember that this process will reset your apps to their default state, so you may need to log in to your apps again and reconfigure some settings.

If clearing cache and data doesn’t resolve the issue, don’t worry. We have more advanced troubleshooting steps coming up.

Check for Overheating

Overheating can cause various issues in electronic devices, including getting stuck on the logo screen. When a TV overheats, it may shut down or freeze as a protective measure. Let’s check if your Sony TV is overheating and explore how to prevent it.

Steps to Check and Prevent Overheating:

  1. Touch the TV (carefully) to see if it feels unusually hot. Pay attention to areas around vents and the back of the TV. If it’s too hot to touch comfortably, this is a clear sign of overheating.
  2. Ensure there’s adequate ventilation around the TV. There should be at least 4 inches of space on all sides. This allows for proper air circulation and heat dissipation.
  3. Check if the TV’s vents are clear of dust and debris. Over time, dust can accumulate and block airflow, leading to overheating. Use a soft brush or vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment to gently clean the vents. Be careful not to push dust further into the TV.
  4. If the TV is in a cabinet or enclosed space, consider moving it to a more open area. Enclosed spaces can trap heat, leading to overheating issues.
  5. Use a fan to improve air circulation around the TV if it’s in a naturally warm location. A small desk fan pointed at the back of the TV can significantly improve air flow.
  6. If you live in a particularly hot climate, consider using a room air conditioner to keep the ambient temperature down. High room temperatures can contribute to TV overheating.
  7. Check the TV’s picture settings. Some picture modes, particularly those with high brightness and contrast, can cause the TV to work harder and generate more heat. Try using a more energy-efficient picture mode.
  8. Inspect the power supply. An overworked or malfunctioning power supply can generate excess heat. If the power brick (for TVs with external power supplies) feels very hot, it might need replacement.
  9. Consider the TV’s age and usage. Older TVs or those used for extended periods may be more prone to overheating. Give your TV regular breaks, especially if you’re using it for long gaming sessions or binge-watching.
  10. Check for software updates. Sometimes, inefficient software can cause the TV’s processor to work harder than necessary, leading to overheating. Keeping your TV’s firmware up-to-date can help prevent this.
  11. If your TV has a “heat warning” in its diagnostic menu, check this regularly. Some Sony TVs provide internal temperature readings that can alert you to potential overheating issues before they become serious.
  12. Consider professional cleaning. If your TV is older or has never been internally cleaned, dust buildup inside the unit can cause overheating. A professional can safely open the TV and clean internal components.

Preventing overheating can not only resolve the “Stuck on Sony logo” issue but also prolong the life of your TV. Consistent overheating can damage internal components over time, leading to more serious and costly problems.

If you’ve addressed any overheating issues and your TV is still stuck on the logo, don’t worry. We have more advanced troubleshooting steps coming up in the next sections.

Perform a Hard Reset

If the soft reset didn’t work, a hard reset might be necessary. This is a more drastic measure that can sometimes resolve stubborn issues by completely resetting the TV’s hardware state. It’s different from a factory reset as it involves physically disconnecting the TV’s power source and draining residual power from its components.

How to Perform a Hard Reset:

  1. Unplug your Sony TV from the power outlet. This is the first and most crucial step in performing a hard reset.
  2. Remove the back panel of the TV. You may need a screwdriver for this step. Be careful when removing the panel and make sure you have a clean, soft surface to place it on. If you’re not comfortable with this step, consider seeking professional help.
  3. Locate the main board inside the TV. This is usually the largest circuit board you can see once the back panel is removed.
  4. Find the CMOS battery on the main board. It looks like a small, round, silver battery, similar to a watch battery. This battery helps maintain certain settings even when the TV is unplugged.
  5. Carefully remove the CMOS battery. You might need to gently pry it out with a non-conductive tool. Be very careful not to damage any surrounding components.
  6. Wait for about 5 minutes. This waiting period allows any residual charge in the TV’s capacitors to dissipate fully.
  7. While waiting, press and hold the power button on the TV for about 30 seconds. This helps to discharge any remaining power in the system.
  8. Replace the CMOS battery. Make sure it’s inserted in the correct orientation.
  9. Reassemble the TV by replacing the back panel. Ensure all screws are tightened properly.
  10. Plug the TV back into the power outlet.
  11. Try turning on the TV using the power button on the TV itself, not the remote.
  12. If the TV turns on and progresses past the Sony logo, you’ve successfully performed a hard reset.
  13. If the TV boots up normally, you’ll likely need to reconfigure some of your settings, as removing the CMOS battery resets them to default values.

A hard reset can often resolve more complex software issues that cause the “Stuck on Sony logo” problem. It essentially gives your TV a completely fresh start from a hardware perspective. This can clear out any lingering issues that might be stored in volatile memory or caused by incorrect hardware states.

However, be cautious when opening your TV. If you’re not comfortable with this step or if your TV is still under warranty, consider seeking professional help instead of attempting this yourself. Improper handling can lead to damage or injury.

If the hard reset doesn’t resolve the issue, we still have a few more advanced troubleshooting steps to try. Let’s move on to examining the power board in the next section.

Examine the Power Board

If your Sony TV is still stuck on the logo screen, there might be an issue with the power board. The power board is responsible for supplying the correct voltages to various components of your TV. A malfunctioning power board can cause a variety of issues, including the TV getting stuck on the logo screen. While this is a more advanced troubleshooting step, it’s worth checking if you’re comfortable with basic electronics.

Steps to Examine the Power Board:

  1. Unplug your TV and wait for at least 60 minutes to ensure all capacitors are discharged. This step is crucial for your safety, as capacitors can hold a charge even when the TV is unplugged.
  2. Remove the back panel of the TV carefully. You’ll likely need a screwdriver for this. Make sure you have a clean, soft surface to place the panel and any screws you remove.
  3. Locate the power board. It’s usually the board connected to the power cable input. In most Sony TVs, it’s a separate board from the main board.
  4. Visually inspect the power board for any signs of damage, such as:
    • Bulging capacitors: Look for any capacitors (cylindrical components) that appear swollen or have a domed top.
    • Burn marks: Check for any discoloration or charred areas on the board.
    • Leaking capacitors: Look for any oily residue around the base of capacitors.
    • Cracked solder joints: Inspect the solder joints for any cracks or breaks.
  5. If you have a multimeter, you can test the voltages on the power board to ensure it’s outputting the correct voltages:
    • Set your multimeter to DC voltage mode.
    • With the TV plugged in (but still turned off), carefully probe the output pins of the power board.
    • Compare the voltages you measure with the expected voltages usually printed on the board or in the TV’s service manual.
  6. Check for any loose connections. Gently wiggle each connector to ensure it’s securely attached.
  7. If you notice any issues with specific components (like bulging capacitors), these may need to be replaced. However, component-level repair should only be attempted by those with experience in electronics repair.
  8. If the power board appears damaged or you’ve confirmed it’s not outputting the correct voltages, it may need to be replaced. This is best done by a professional technician.
  9. If everything on the power board looks fine, carefully reassemble your TV and move on to the next troubleshooting step.

Remember, working with the internal components of your TV can be dangerous if you’re not experienced. There’s a risk of electric shock even when the TV is unplugged, due to charged capacitors. If you’re unsure about any of these steps, it’s best to consult with a professional technician.

If you’ve examined the power board and found no issues, or if you’re not comfortable performing this check yourself, don’t worry. We have one more component to investigate in our next step: the main board.

Investigate the Main Board

The main board is the brain of your Sony TV. If there’s an issue with this component, it could cause the TV to get stuck on the logo screen. The main board controls most of the TV’s functions, including processing video signals and managing the operating system. Let’s take a closer look at how to investigate potential issues with the main board.

How to Investigate the Main Board:

  1. Ensure your TV is unplugged and has been for at least an hour. This is crucial for your safety, as capacitors can hold a charge even when the TV is unplugged.
  2. Remove the back panel of the TV if you haven’t already. You’ll need a screwdriver for this step. Make sure you have a clean, soft surface to place the panel and any screws you remove.
  3. Locate the main board. It’s usually the largest circuit board in the TV and often has multiple connectors leading to other components.
  4. Visually inspect the main board for any signs of damage, such as:
    • Swollen or leaking capacitors: Look for any capacitors that appear bulged or have leaked fluid.
    • Burn marks: Check for any discoloration or charred areas on the board.
    • Cracked solder joints: Inspect the solder joints for any cracks or breaks, especially around large components or connectors.
    • Physical damage: Look for any cracks in the board itself or damaged components.
  5. Check all connections to ensure they’re secure. Gently wiggle each connector to make sure it’s properly seated. Sometimes, a loose connection can cause issues like getting stuck on the logo screen.
  6. If you have the technical knowledge, you can use a multimeter to test various components on the main board:
    • Check for continuity between ground points and various test points on the board.
    • Measure voltages at key points to ensure they’re within expected ranges.
    • Test capacitors for proper capacitance and ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance).
  7. Look for any visible corrosion or signs of liquid damage. If your TV has been exposed to humidity or spills, this could cause issues with the main board.
  8. If your TV has a backup battery on the main board (similar to a CMOS battery in a computer), check if it needs replacement. A dead backup battery can sometimes cause boot issues.
  9. If you notice any specific damaged components, they may need to be replaced. However, component-level repair should only be attempted by those with experience in electronics repair.
  10. If the main board appears significantly damaged or you’ve confirmed multiple issues, it may need to be replaced entirely. This is a job best left to professional technicians.
  11. If everything on the main board looks fine, carefully reassemble your TV.
  12. If you suspect an issue with the main board but can’t identify it visually, consider seeking professional diagnosis. Technicians have specialized tools and knowledge to diagnose main board issues more thoroughly.

The main board is a critical component of your TV. Issues with the main board can cause a wide variety of problems, including getting stuck on the logo screen. However, diagnosing and repairing main board issues can be complex and risky if you’re not experienced with electronics repair.

If you’ve gone through all these steps and your Sony TV is still stuck on the logo screen, it might be time to seek professional help. Let’s explore that option in our next step.

Seek Professional Help

If you’ve tried all the previous steps and your Sony TV is still stuck on the logo screen, it might be time to seek professional help. While DIY troubleshooting can resolve many issues, some problems require specialized knowledge, tools, or replacement parts that are best handled by experts.

Steps to Get Professional Assistance:

  1. Contact Sony’s customer support. You can find their contact information on the Sony support website. They have trained technicians who can provide model-specific advice and may be able to diagnose the issue over the phone.
  2. Explain the issue in detail and all the steps you’ve already taken to try and resolve it. This information can help the support team understand the severity of the problem and provide more accurate advice.
  3. If your TV is still under warranty, Sony may offer repair or replacement services at no cost to you. Be sure to have your TV’s serial number and purchase information ready when you contact them.
  4. If your TV is out of warranty, Sony may be able to recommend authorized repair centers in your area. These centers have technicians trained specifically to work on Sony products.
  5. Consider reaching out to local electronics repair shops that specialize in TV repairs. Look for shops with good reviews and experience with Sony TVs specifically.
  6. When choosing a repair service, ask about their experience with your specific TV model and the “Stuck on Sony logo” issue. A reputable repair service should be able to give you an idea of what might be causing the problem.
  7. Inquire about diagnostic fees and get an estimate for potential repairs. Some shops offer free diagnostics, while others may charge a fee that’s then applied to the cost of repairs if you choose to proceed.
  8. Ask about warranties on repair work. A good repair service should stand behind their work with some form of guarantee.
  9. If you’re tech-savvy, you might consider looking for online forums or communities dedicated to Sony TV repair. While you should be cautious about attempting complex repairs yourself, these communities can sometimes provide valuable insights.
  10. If repair costs are quoted as being very high, weigh them against the cost of a new TV. Sometimes, especially with older models, replacement can be more cost-effective than repair.
  1. If you decide to take your TV to a repair shop, make sure to backup any important data if possible. While it’s unlikely that a repair would affect your TV’s stored information, it’s always better to be safe.
  2. Prepare a detailed description of the problem, including when it started and any changes or events that might have preceded it. The more information you can provide, the better equipped the technicians will be to diagnose and fix the issue.
  3. If you’ve made any modifications to your TV, such as connecting external devices or changing internal settings, be sure to mention these to the repair technician.
  4. Ask the repair service if they offer any loaner devices while your TV is being repaired, especially if the repair is expected to take more than a few days.
  5. Inquire about the repair process and timeline. A good repair service should be able to give you an estimate of how long the repair will take and keep you updated on the progress.

Remember, while it can be frustrating to have to seek professional help, it’s often the safest and most effective way to resolve complex technical issues. Professional technicians have the expertise, tools, and access to replacement parts that can be crucial in fixing stubborn problems like a TV stuck on the Sony logo.

If the cost of professional repair seems high or if the TV is quite old, it might be worth considering replacement as an alternative. Let’s explore that option in our final step.

Consider Warranty or Replacement

If all else fails, it might be time to consider whether your TV is eligible for warranty service or if it’s time for a replacement. This decision often depends on factors such as the age of your TV, the cost of repairs versus replacement, and the features of newer models.

Steps to Consider Warranty or Replacement:

  1. Check your TV’s warranty status. You can usually do this on the Sony support website by entering your TV’s serial number. Sony typically offers a 1-year limited warranty on their TVs, but this can vary depending on the model and where you purchased it.
  2. If your TV is still under warranty, contact Sony to initiate a warranty claim. Be prepared to provide proof of purchase and explain all the troubleshooting steps you’ve already taken.
  3. If your TV is out of warranty, weigh the cost of potential repairs against the cost of a new TV. As a general rule, if repairs will cost more than 50% of the price of a new TV with similar features, replacement might be the more economical choice.
  4. Research current Sony TV models to see if newer features might be worth upgrading to. TV technology advances quickly, and newer models might offer significant improvements in picture quality, smart features, or energy efficiency.
  5. Consider energy efficiency. Newer TV models often consume less power, which could save you money in the long run on electricity bills. Look for models with Energy Star certification for the best efficiency.
  6. Think about how your TV needs might have changed since you bought your current set. Do you need a larger screen? Different smart TV features? More HDMI ports? A new TV could be an opportunity to better meet your current needs.
  7. If you decide to replace your TV, look for deals and promotions, especially during major shopping events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Many retailers offer significant discounts on TVs during these periods.
  8. Consider the timing of new model releases. TV manufacturers, including Sony, typically release new models in spring. Buying last year’s model when new ones come out can often get you a great TV at a discounted price.
  9. If you’re replacing your TV, don’t forget to properly recycle your old one. Many electronics stores offer recycling programs for old TVs, ensuring they’re disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
  10. If you decide to buy a new Sony TV, familiarize yourself with its features and setup process beforehand. This can help you avoid potential issues and get the most out of your new TV from the start.
  11. When setting up a new TV, be sure to perform any available software updates right away. This ensures you have the latest features and bug fixes.
  12. If you’re replacing your TV due to the “Stuck on Sony logo” issue, be sure to mention this when setting up a new Sony TV. The store or Sony support might have specific advice to prevent this issue from occurring again.

While it can be frustrating to replace a TV, sometimes it’s the most cost-effective solution, especially if repair costs are high or if your current TV is quite old. New TVs often come with improved technology, better picture quality, and more features that can enhance your viewing experience.

Remember, whether you’re getting your TV repaired under warranty or buying a new one, always keep your proof of purchase and warranty information in a safe place. This can be invaluable if you encounter issues in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does my Sony TV keep getting stuck on the logo screen? A: This can happen due to various reasons, including software glitches, power supply issues, outdated firmware, or hardware problems. It could also be due to overheating, faulty HDMI connections, or issues with the TV’s main board or power board.

It’s best to wait at least 5-10 minutes to see if the TV progresses past the logo screen. If it doesn’t, you can proceed with troubleshooting steps. Sometimes, especially after a software update, the TV might take longer than usual to boot up.

Will a factory reset delete all my TV settings?

Yes, a factory reset will erase all your personalized settings and return the TV to its original state. This includes Wi-Fi passwords, picture settings, and installed apps. It’s a good idea to note down your important settings before performing a factory reset.

Yes, overheating can cause various issues, including getting stuck on the logo screen. Ensure proper ventilation around your TV, keep it clean from dust, and avoid placing it in enclosed spaces to prevent overheating.

Is it safe to open my TV and check internal components?

If you’re not experienced with electronics, it’s best to leave internal inspections to professionals. Mishandling can lead to injury or further damage to your TV. Additionally, opening your TV might void its warranty if it’s still valid.

How often should I update my Sony TV’s firmware?

It’s a good practice to check for firmware updates every few months. Many Sony TVs can update automatically if connected to the internet. However, if you’re experiencing issues, checking for updates should be one of your first troubleshooting steps.

Yes, power surges can damage internal components, potentially causing issues like getting stuck on the logo screen. Using a good quality surge protector can help protect your TV from power surges.

How do I know if my TV’s main board needs replacement?

Signs of a faulty main board include the TV not turning on, getting stuck on the logo, displaying distorted images, or having no sound. However, a professional diagnosis is recommended as these symptoms can also be caused by other issues.

Is it worth repairing an old Sony TV or should I replace it?

This depends on the cost of repairs versus the TV’s age and the cost of a new model. If repair costs are more than 50% of a new TV’s price, replacement might be more economical. Also consider the improved features and energy efficiency of newer models.

While it’s unlikely, low-quality HDMI cables can sometimes cause display issues. It’s always best to use high-quality, certified HDMI cables. If you suspect an HDMI issue, try disconnecting all HDMI devices and see if the TV boots normally.

How can I prevent my Sony TV from getting stuck on the logo in the future?

Regular maintenance can help prevent this issue. Keep your TV’s firmware updated, ensure proper ventilation, use a surge protector, and avoid abruptly cutting power to the TV. Also, be cautious when installing new apps or making significant setting changes.


Dealing with a Sony TV stuck on the logo screen can be frustrating, but with patience and the right approach, you can often resolve the issue. We’ve covered 12 comprehensive steps to tackle this problem, from simple soft resets to more advanced troubleshooting techniques.

Remember, always start with the simplest solutions like power cycling and checking connections before moving on to more complex steps. If you’re ever unsure or uncomfortable with any step, don’t hesitate to seek professional help.

By following this guide, you’ve not only learned how to potentially fix your TV but also gained valuable knowledge about TV maintenance and troubleshooting. This knowledge can help you keep your Sony TV running smoothly for years to come.

If you’ve tried all these steps and your TV is still stuck on the Sony logo, it might be time to consider professional repair or replacement. Remember, technology evolves quickly, and newer models often offer improved features and energy efficiency.

Lastly, always prioritize safety when dealing with electronic devices. If you’re unsure about any step, especially those involving opening the TV or dealing with internal components, it’s best to consult with a professional technician.

We hope this guide has been helpful in resolving your “Stuck on Sony logo” issue. For more information about Sony TVs and their features, visit Sony TV. Happy viewing!

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